Cytokines and Cancer

Kaylee Wang Havergal College, Sun Life Gene Academic Program (SLAP) in Cancer Biology and Immunology, Toronto, On, Canada Grade 11 March 31,2024Example Text

Abstract This paper explores the multifaceted role of cytokines in cancer biology, focusing on their crucial roles in tumor initiation, progression, metastasis, immune regulation, and therapeutic responses. Cytokine are small proteins that help modulate immune responses and inflammation, influencing cancer (disease characterized by uncontrolled cell growth). There are many types of cytokines that are studied for potential cancer treatment such as interleukins and interferons. While some cytokines do enhance immune responses against tumors, others aid tumor growth and metastasis, making their role in cancer therapy very complex. This paper will also discuss the structure of cytokines and their receptors, as well as the risks associated with cytokine-based cancer treatments. Risks include systemic toxicity, immunosuppression, inflammation, and resistance mechanisms. While cytokines do show promise in their role in cancer biology, excessive cytokine signaling can lead to dangerous effects like cytokine storm and tumor immune evasion. Despite these potential risks, research on cytokines offers hope for advancing treatment options for cancer. Ultimately, manipulating cytokine signaling pathways could modulate the tumor microenvironment and introduce us to more effective therapies. Keywords: Cytokine; Tumor initiation; tumor progression; tumor metastasis; tumor microenvironment