Vitamin D deficiency’s Association with COVID-19 Prevention and Treatment - Yuan Gao

Yuan Gao, Grade 10 Student at Bur Oak Secondary School

Published Date: Jan 30, 2021

Written in the 2020-21 SLAP Medical Science Covid-19 Research Program

Abstract :

 The SARS-CoV-2 has been creating havoc around the world for almost fourteen months and is as problematic as ever. Up to this day, more than 82.5 million people are infected and 1.8 million killed. Despite its destructive force, there is currently no vaccine or treatment plan that can be widely used by the entire world at a relatively low cost. Remdesivir five-day treatment cost more than 3122 Canadian dollars and is inaccessible to civilians in third-world countries. Vaccines have the same issue as remdesivir-lack of inaccessibility and high cost.    Therefore, a short-term cheap relief treatment that most civilians around the world can have access to has to be implemented. Vitamin D has become a possible option as statistics and researches have shown a strong correlation between vitamin D level and infection rate and severity of COVID-19. This paper will discuss the relationship between vitamin D and COVID-19 through 1)Function of vitamin D, 2)Population affected by vitamin D deficiency, 3)Vitamin D deficiency aggravating symptoms of COVID-19, 4)A statistical analysis over 4131 patients on their COVID-19 test results and vitamin D level, and finally 5) A discussion on vitamin D deficiency leading to an increase in COVID-19 infection rate. (1, 2, 3) Keywords: COVID-19, COVID-19 treatment, Vitamin D deficiency, SARS-CoV-2